In this article we will give you an overview of our EMR and prescription software interface. Let's view the home page of EMR first.


  1. Your patients list: you will get all your patients list that you entered previously.
  2. Your chamber list: all your chamber lists that you entered previously
  3. Drug Database: search and find drug information
  4. Search Patient: you can search your patient using patient's partial name or ID or mobile number
  5. Add new patient information
  6. Latest encounters: lists of your last 5 encounters with patient
  7. New E-Health Questions: Lists of new questions asked by patient in

EMR Quick Menu

You can also access the EMR quick navigation on the top of every page.

Ok now we understand the EMR home interface. Let start by adding a new chamber. for this click the my chambers link (2).

My Chambers

Here you will see Nothing found. All the chambers will be here after adding. Lets add one. click Add Chamber button.

Add Chamber

Your chamber is the facility where you encounter your patient. Fill up all the fields that are self explanatory. This information can be shown on if you want to do so. After giving chamber info click the save button. After successfully saved, you will see a confirmation message. Here click the Show Patient List button. This will show your patients list. Please note: adding chamber is one time process.

Your Patients List

This is all your patient list that you added previously. In this page you can see patient's name, id, age, sex, phone and others info. Patient ID will be auto generated when you add a patient. This ID is permanent and cannot be changed. All the other info can be changed anytime later. You can also see a action button with some links: Summary, Edit & Delete patient. In the summary page all the encounters will be shown. If you are the first time user you will see Nothing Found here. You have to add patient before you actually go to the encounter. We have already have patients, so lets see one's summary.

Patient Summary

In the summary page, all the previous encounters will be shown like the following image. Here you can see 

  1. encounter summary by clicking date
  2. encounter detail link
  3. start new encounter link

For our purpose lets start new encounter. click the new encounter button. you can see a popup where you can select the chamber and type of encounter you are going to make. For our purpose, lets choose the chamber that we added few times earlier and select the ambulatory encounter.

Patient Encounter

This is the place where you record all your patient data and print your prescription. You will see there are lots of information you can store. You can also upload images of patients prescription or clinical findings.

We have added all the predefined data in the history, examination, investigation, diagnosis, drugs and general advice. Feel free to explore it.

Thanks. Please visit: This Link for your copy of this software.